Annual Meeting for Teachers of Statistics in Medicine and Allied Health Sciences

Presentation types

Presentation abstract types accepted.


Abstracts will be accepted for three types of presentation.  Choose the relevant presentation type on the abstract submission form. You are welcome to submit multiple abstracts.

4-minute poster lightning talk

  • The maximum duration of a Lightning Talk will be 4 minutes sharp. 

  • Plan and practice the four-minute presentation.    A suggested approach is Introduction: 0.5 min, Main points: 3 mins, Closing points: 0.5 min. 
  • Your poster will be on display elsewhere so you may wish to create a few slides to support your talk, although this is not mandatory. During the conference, you will also be allocated a slot to stand by your poster and discuss the content with other delegates. Therefore, you can view the lightning talk as an opportunity to promote your topic!
  • Instructions on poster design, etc. will follow in due course.

Abstracts: maximum of 100 words

One-hour workshop

  • This type of presentation ought to include a substantial interactive component, such as a break-out session.
  • The abstract should include an outline of the various components of the session, including time intervals and resources that you can provide or need to be provided in order to deliver the workshop.

Abstracts: maximum of 200 words

30-minute talk

  • This is an opportunity for you to share work in progress or completed within the domains of teaching development or pedagogical research, relating to the teaching of statistics to non-specialists.
  • You can be as innovative as you like but please allow at least 5 minutes at the end for questions or comments from other delegates.

Abstracts: maximum of 150 words

Submit an abstract