Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine

Professor Lesley Colvin talking about pain and the brain on Radio 4

Lesley Colvin is a Consultant/ Honorary Professor in Pain Medicine in the University department of Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh.

photo Professor Lesley Colvin
Professor Lesley Colvin

BBC Radio 4 podcast Blood, guts and swearing robots


Lesley currently works full time in the Lothian Chronic Pain Service and the University of Edinburgh, and is chairing the new Service Improvement Group for Chronic Pain. She has a particular interest in translational research in pain and has several collaborations with the aim of rapidly translating exciting basic science findings into clinical developments. Lesley's current research interests include cancer pain, cancer induced bone pain, acute and chronic neuropathic pain, phantom limb pain, opioids in chronic pain, pain and drug dependency and pain assessment. Research funding is supported by CR-UK, Wellcome Trust, BJARCoA and the CSO.


The individual activity of the brain, dampening down all of the pain impulses coming in varies from one person to the next. If your brain is more active it in that, then maybe you are less likely to develop chronic pain

Professor Lesley Colvin


Professor Lesley Colvin profile