Get Involved: Using Mixed Reality to Diagnose and Simulate Cerebral Visual Impairments in the Ageing Population
We need your involvement in a new student project
Cerebral Visual Impairments (CVI) are a type of visual impairment that arise from damage to the parts of the brain that are responsible for processing the messages coming from the eyes. CVI can result in a wide number of visual impairments which can all also vary in their severity. CVI, while often attained before or during birth, can also be acquired at any point through a person’s life by means of head trauma, stroke, or degenerative brain disease such as Alzheimer's (with the latter two being most relevant to the ageing population).
This project uses a Mixed Reality (MR) headset (the Varjo XR-3). This is a headset with a small screen inside it which can show a virtual world around you and cameras on the outside allowing for the real world to be seen and mixed with the virtual world. The headset also includes an inbuilt eye-tracker which will be how you interact with the virtual world. This PPI (Patient and Public Involvement) meeting is proceeding a study on Visual Inattention (where you pay less attention to one side of your visual field). This study will be looking to determine the viability of using the headset as testing tool for this type of visual impairment.
How can I get involved?
We would like to work with up to 5 members of the public who are interested in helping in one-on-one sessions. As these are one-on-one sessions, they can be scheduled on a date and time to suit you in the week starting on the 3rd of June 2024 (if you want to participate but cannot make this week, please still contact us and we can see if a suitable date can be found).
We would like you to attend a meeting, made up of two parts. The first part will involve trying on the headset and gathering feedback on the experience such as how it is to wear and how understandable the tests are. When wearing the headset, you will go through shortened versions of some visual impairment tests. All these tests involve simply looking at targets when you see them. No data from the tests will be collected, this is purely to get your feedback on what the tests are like to perform.
The second part of the meeting will be looking at the participant information sheet for the upcoming study where we will discuss how understandable and clear it is.
There is no requirement to have prior knowledge of Cerebral Visual Impairments.
What is the time commitment?
As part of the meeting will be centred around trying on the headset it will be in person at Kings Buildings, University of Edinburgh. Details of the exact location will be provided to participants.
The session will take approximately one hour.
Payment and expenses
You will receive a £25 voucher as a thank you for taking part. Additionally, your travel expenses will also be reimbursed if travelling locally.
How will I be supported?
Daria Inhatenko, Patient and Public Involvement Co-ordinator or Anna Crawford, Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Officer will be available to answer questions and will support you throughout.
What should I do If I am interested?
Please email the PPI Network Inbox to register your interest.
Privacy Statement
The information that you provide will be used by the Advanced Care Research Centre (ACRC) to process your involvement and communicate with you about ACRC involvement in research activities.
We are using information about you because you have given us your consent to do so.
We will hold the personal data you have provided until you withdraw your consent for us to process your personal data. Your contact details will not passed to any researchers unless we have specific permission from you, and you have indicated that you would like a researcher to contact you in relation to a project.
We do not use profiling or automated decision-making processes.
If you have any questions, please contact Daria Ihnatenko, Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Co-ordinator,
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