Acute Care Edinburgh

Special Skills Year in Education

We are advertising an opportunity for ICM trainees to join the Edinburgh Critical Care Online team for a Special Skills Year in Education aligned with the FICM curriculum starting in academic year 2022/23. Further details below.

What is the opportunity:

A Special Skills Year in Education with the Edinburgh Critical Care Online team

Who can apply:

Eligible UK* Single CCT Intensive Care Medicine Trainees

*Does not require relocation to Edinburgh

Time commitment and location:

Trainees will be embedded in the Edinburgh Critical Care Online team for 50% of their time. The opportunity is based in Edinburgh, but the programme is taught entirely online, and team meetings are online so it will be possible to participate remotely from other locations in the UK.  Trainees will not be expected to relocate from other locations in the UK to Scotland and will be expected to continue to obtain clinical experience in their own deanery.  Edinburgh Critical Care Online does not offer a clinical placement to accompany the educational placement described in this document. 


Will include most of the following elements:

  1. Be the course lead for 1 or more 10 credit postgraduate courses.
  2. Act as a personal tutor to online postgraduate students. More details Personal Tutoring guidance
  3. Participate in or lead the development of a postgraduate online course using the Edinburgh Learning Development Roadmap or similar system.
  4. Provide live online lectures
  5. Participate as a subject matter expert in live online panel discussions
  6. Design, mark, and moderate assessments according to best education practice

Professional development:

Some trainees will want to undertake a postgraduate qualification in medical education (e.g., a postgraduate certificate in medical education or a postgraduate certificate in academic practice). It may be possible for University of Edinburgh to financially support trainees on the PGCert in Academic Practice or other equivalent qualification.  In this case, there will be an expectation that assessments and projects will be based on experiences gained whilst part of the MSc Critical Care team. Trainees will be encouraged to apply new knowledge in relevant educational theory to the development or re-development of a substantial area of the Edinburgh Critical Care Online programme delivery.


To be eligible to apply for this Special Skills year, the trainee must fulfil the following criteria:

  1. Have a national training number in intensive care medicine as a single CCT
  2. Have completed or are expected to complete stage 1 training
  3. Be able to demonstrate an interest in postgraduate medical education
  4. Have written permission from the responsible Training Programme Director (or other responsible officer) confirming eligibility and support to undertake a special skills year in education.

Application process:

Interested trainees should send a CV, and cover letter explaining why they are suited to the opportunity to the following email address by 10th Feb 2022.  Applicants should seek approval from their training programme prior to application and provide written confirmation of this approval at the time of application. 

Application deadline:

Thursday 10th February 2022

Eligible applicants may be invited for interview. Candidates will be notified of the outcome by 11th March 2022.

Informal enquiries:

Enquiries should be directed to:

Dr David Griffith, Programme Director          

Dr Gilly Fleming, Clinical Lead                            

Full details can be found here: