A4A Connected +

How we use your information

The contact information (name, email/telephone number) you provide will be used by the University to select participants to our study and contact you about the selection results.

If you have been selected to participate, we will send you a summary of our findings to the contact that you provide.

We will hold the personal data you provide us with until we have published results. 

We will use your demographic information in the study analysis and send you a copy of any papers.

If you are not selected to participate on this occasion, we will only hold the personal data you provide us with until we have finished the interviews.

If you want to be contacted for our future studies about using smart devices technologies for asthma, you can opt in this option. We will hold your contact information for five years. After five years, we will ask if you wish to remained on our contact list. You can contact us anytime to delete your contact information if you are no longer wish to be contacted.   

If you have any questions, please contact Dr Io Hui (Research Fellow)

Contact us

This privacy statement is continued.

Continued privacy statement