Dr Renata Riha
Dr Riha is a Consultant in Sleep and Respiratory Medicine at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.
- Sleep Research Unit
Contact details
- Work: +44 (0)131 242 3072
- Email: rriha1@staffmail.ed.ac.uk
- Street
Department of Sleep Medicine
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh- City
- Edinburgh
- Post Code
- EH16 4SA
Renata Riha has been a Consultant in Sleep and Respiratory Medicine at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh since 2004, and completed her MD at the Department of Sleep Medicine with Professor Sir Neil Douglas. She is an Honorary Reader at the University of Edinburgh.
She qualified in medicine at the University of Queensland and completed her specialist training in respiratory and sleep medicine in Australia. She is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh.
Apart from her heavy clinical workload and research interests, Renata has previously been a member of the British Thoracic Society (BTS) Education and Training Committee and continues informally as a member of the BTS Sleep advisory group.
Currently, she is a member of the Harmonised Education in Respiratory Medicine for European Specialists (HERMES) taskforce in sleep medicine for the European Respiratory Society (ERS), Chair of Assembly 4.2 and a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS).
She is also involved with the ERS/ESRS working group in sleep education and exam standard setting for Europe.
Renata is an Editorial Board Member of the journal SLEEP and an associate editor of the Journal of Sleep Research.
Recently she was elected to BSS Executive Committee after ballot at AGM during British Sleep Society (BSS) 25th Anniversary Scientific Conference.
She established the Edinburgh Sleep Medicine Course in 2006.
Research interests
- Genetics of sleep disorders
- Cardiovascular consequences of sleep apnoea
- Psychiatric and nosological aspects of parasomnias: slow-wave sleep disorders and REM-behaviour disorder
- Narcolepsy
- Dissociative sleep disorders
- Sleep in intellectual disability
Selected bibliography
Pataka A, Yoon CH, Poddar A, Riha RL. Assessment of multiple sleep latency testing in adults in Europe. Sleep Med. 2013 Jan 8. [Epub ahead of print]
Selby KE, Morrison I, Riha RL. Psychiatric comorbidity in arousal disorders: chicken or egg? J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2012 Jun 1;24:10036
White C, Hill EA, Morrison I, Riha RL. Diagnostic Delay in REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD). J Clin Sleep Med. 2012 Apr 15;8(2):133-6.
Morrison I, Bušková J, Nevšimalová S, Douglas NJ, Riha RL. Diagnosing narcolepsy with cataplexy on history alone: challenging the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD-2) criteria. Eur J Neurol. 2011 Jul;18(7):1017-20. Epub 2010 Oct 27
Riha RL, Genetic aspects of OSA in adults and children. Europ Respir Mon 2010; 50: 69-85.
Riha RL, Gislasson T, Diefenbach K. The phenotype and genotype of adult obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome. Eur Respir J 2009; 33: 646-655.
Vennelle M, White S, Riha RL, Mackay TW, Engleman HM, Douglas NJ. Randomized controlled trial of variable-pressure versus fixed-pressure continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment for patients with obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). Sleep. 2010 Feb 1;33(2):267-71.
Jennum P, Riha RL. Epidemiology of sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome and sleep-disordered breathing. Eur Respir J. 2009 Apr;33(4):907-14.
Cross MD, Mills NL, Al-Abri M, Riha RL, Vennelle M, McKay TW, Newby DE, Douglas N. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Improves Vascular Function In Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Thorax. 2008 Apr 4; [Epub ahead of print]
Riha RL, Brander P, Vennelle M, McArdle N, Kerr SM, Anderson N, Douglas NJ. Tumour necrosis factor-alpha (-308) gene polymorphism in obstructive sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome. Eur Respir J. 2005 26:673-8.
Riha RL, Brander P, Vennelle M, Douglas NJ. A Cephalometric Comparison of patients with the sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome and their siblings. Sleep. 2005; 28: 315 - 320