Update to Scottish Government Covid-19 Guidelines

The TestEd Management group has reviewed study procedures in light of the recent update to Scottish Government Covid-19 Guidelines: January 2022

Please can we remind participants that in keeping with Scottish Government Guidelines, a positive TestEd sample can be confirmed by a lateral flow test, unless the participant has one of the 3 symptoms of coronavirus (new persistent cough, high fever, lack of/change in sense of smell or taste) which would then require confirmation by an NHS PCR test.


If you are asked to confirm a positive TestEd result by a lateral flow test you will need to record your result and forward it using the guidance found on the following link https://www.gov.uk/report-covid19-result

Also, please note if you have recently had a confirmed +ve Covid-19 test then you should not submit a sample to TestEd for 60 days following the positive test.