
Student volunteers wanted to help the elderly get online

The University is looking for students interested in volunteering for a community engagement project to teach older people how to get online.

Information Services, EUSA Volunteering and the MOOCs team are collaborating on a new project to develop digital literacy skills for older people in Edinburgh.
Over the summer of 2016, student volunteers will become "Digital Champions" and will go into the community to get local residents online for the first time using iPads.
For older people, especially from disadvantaged areas, getting help with email, social networking and e-health is vitally important, especially as government and other providers move to deliver their services digitally.
The project organisers are asking students to volunteer to join the small Digital Champion team who will help older adults living in Edinburgh to get online for the first time in their lives.
Each elderly participant will receive these donated tablets on loan for the period of the course, to practise skills taught to them by the Digital Champions.
Volunteer to become a Digital Champion at