
Carbon emissions

The University’s Climate Change Strategy, sets out the significant steps it will take to achieve its net zero carbon commitment by 2040.

Covid advice poster

By 2025, the University had committed to return carbon emissions to 2007-08 baseline year levels and reduce emissions of carbon per £ million turnover by 50 per cent from baseline year levels. Both of these objectives have been achieved last year.

Absolute carbon emissions have reduced by approximately 11 per cent compared to last year, with a significant reduction in carbon emissions associated with business travel due to international travel restrictions.

Electricity and gas consumption increased from last year due to Covid-19 safety measures, with additional ventilation and heating running. Many buildings remained fully operational during the last year.

It is important to recognise that the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the University’s carbon emissions, with trends hard to identify and emissions from business travel likely to rebound to a certain extent going forward.

To date, the University has reduced its carbon emissions by 24 per cent since 2007-08. Carbon emissions for 2020-21 were 65,754 tonnes CO₂e, compared to 86,707 tonnes CO₂e in 2007-08. Relative emissions of carbon per £ million turnover were 55.4 for 2019-20, compared to 156 in the baseline year.

Over the next year, the University will be reviewing its Climate Strategy. This will include reviewing progress and objectives on operations, research, partnerships, learning and teaching.

Topic: climate action

Absolute carbon emissions

Use the arrow to scroll through to see emissions by type and by scope.

Relative carbon emissions

The graph below shows relative emissions for floor area and income. Use the arrow to see relative emissions by student and staff numbers.

Staff and student commuting

The graph below shows emissions from staff and student commuting. Use the arrow to see the combined totals.