
Our approach to reporting

Since 2009/10 we have reported our achievements through an annual ‘Highlights’ report, and we have more recently reported progress on social responsibility and sustainability issues within the University’s Annual Report and Accounts.

In 2014/15 we have continued to improve our approach to reporting through alignment with good practice that would guide us to report on those issues that are most important to our stakeholders as well as the long term success of the University.

We have taken the Global Reporting Initiative as a starting point to guide us on our reporting journey. The GRI Guidelines provides organisations with a framework to report on environmental, social and economic issues that are most important to their stakeholders and is the most widely used international framework for sustainability reporting, using globally agreed metrics.

As a world leading university with a mission to facilitate the creation, dissemination and curation of knowledge we will have some different issues to report on in relation to social responsibility and sustainability than organisations outside of the higher education sector.

While this report is not seeking to be ‘in accordance’ with the GRI Guidelines it is seeking to keep the content focused on material aspects that are important to our stakeholders.