How we select

We assess applications against agreed selection criteria for each degree.

Our selection process

Each of our colleges has its own admissions team. This means that, while the University has overarching admissions policies and procedures, it is the responsibility of the colleges to decide which applicants will be made an offer of a place.

If you have met, or are predicted to meet, our entry requirements, then you will enter our selection process.

We aim to inform you of our decision on your application as quickly as possible.

Receiving our decision

We give full and equal consideration to every application received by the relevant UCAS deadline. However, we get high numbers of applications for many of our degrees, and so we cannot guarantee to consider applications received after the deadline.

Understanding our entry requirements

What we consider

We consider all the information in your application before making our admissions decision. This includes your academic and English language qualifications, your personal statement and reference, any additional requirements (e.g. portfolio, interview) and any other data and information used in our approach to widening access.

Qualifications which have already been achieved, including those which meet our English language entry requirements, may be considered ahead of equivalent qualifications which are still to be taken.

If we are unable to make offers to all those who have achieved the entry requirement, we may consider:

  • achievement above the upper-grade level
  • grades achieved at GCSE/National 5 or equivalent

Widening access

Additional information

If you want us to take into account any additional information in the selection process you must provide this by email to the appropriate admissions office before the relevant UCAS deadline.

Challenging circumstances

If you want us to take account of any adverse circumstances that have impacted on your education, you should tell us about it in your personal statement, or ask your referee to include it in your reference. You can also email the relevant admissions office.

This does not guarantee that we will make you an offer, but allows us to make our admissions decision in context.

We need to receive any information before the relevant application deadline.

When to apply

Admissions policies and procedures

How to send us supporting information

You should send supporting information by email where possible.


Make sure your email includes:

  • your UCAS identification number, or
  • your University of Edinburgh Universal User Name (UUN)

If you can't email us please use our online enquiry form to let us know and we can discuss alternative ways of sending the information.

Submit an enquiry

Related links

Entry requirements