Recognised bridging programmes

Bridging programmes help pupils prepare for higher education and give them the skills and experience needed to transition from high school to university.

At the University of Edinburgh, we are happy to support the following three bridging programmes:

How bridging programmes impact your application 

You can use one of these programmes to meet the grades listed in our standard or minimum entry requirements.

Completion of a bridging programme to the required standard can take the place of one SQA Higher and will be treated as equivalent to a grade B at Higher.

Only one bridging programme will be considered on your application, alongside at least three SQA Highers.

Bridging programmes and required subjects 

Some of our degrees require an SQA Higher in a specific subject.

You cannot use any of these bridging programme to take the place of a required subject. For example, if a degree specifically states that you must achieve a grade B in Higher Mathematics, a bridging programme would not be accepted as a replacement for Higher Mathematics.

You can find entry requirements by programme in the Degree Finder:

Degree Finder      

Bridging programmes and widening access offers 

If you have completed any of these bridging programmes, and you are either estranged from your family or have significant caring responsibilities, you may also be eligible for extra consideration under our Widening Access offer policy.  

Completion of any of these bridging programmes does not automatically make you eligible for a widening access offer. However, you may be eligible under other criteria. You can find more information about widening access offers and the criteria we use to assess them here: 

Widening Access Offers

Contact us

Widening Participation

  • Student Recruitment and Admissions

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