Top 5 Languages to Learn in Term 1!
Our Short Courses in Languages are wide ranging, running across a number of different levels and are still available to book - including these five Beginners courses.
There are still places available to book on our Language Courses beginning in October.
And if you're new to learning a language, we know it can be difficult to make a decision on which language to learn so we've picked 5 languages worth learning this autumn from scratch.
Our Beginners Step 1 classes are aimed at students who are completely new to the language and this level of class focuses on communicating everyday situations such as introducing yourself and and being able to tell others about your daily routine.
Without further ado, here are our top picks for absolute beginners.
1. German
Did you know that German and English share the same Germanic root? This means that if you are a native English speaker you may be at a bit of an advantage when learning German. Many thousands of words between the two languages are closely related (e.g. water/wasser, father/Vater) - and if you already know the English alphabet, there are only a few more letters to add to learn the German one!
German Beginners Step 1 will help you to hone your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills through a number of fun activities.
Join us for your German course here
2. British Sign Language (BSL)
Encouraging people to become more deaf aware is a key aim at the University of Edinburgh. Not only can it help families to communicate with their loved ones but it allows greater understanding amongst colleagues in the workplace, or staff who work in the service industry. With so many ways BSL can help you and those around you, it's a useful language you will never regret learning!
In Beginners Step 1, you will develop basic linguistic skills via different activities that encourage your comprehension of BSL.
Find out more about our BSL courses
3. Spanish
Travel is obviously a top reason to learn Spanish. With 21 countries counting Spanish as an official language and an estimated 400 million Spanish speakers worldwide, there are so many places to visit where your experience can be enhanced by speaking the language of the people that live there! Say 'Hola' this Autumn to learning Spanish with us!
The starter course will include both engaging self-directed and interactive learning activities to help you become confident speaking beginner Spanish.
Find out more about our Spanish courses
4. Turkish
Did you know? Turkish isn't just for Turkey! There are more than 80 million Turkish speakers in the world and they come from other places too, such as Germany, Greece and Cyprus. Turkey is also a link between the Western World and the Middle East, with a rich culture of its own including the fabulous cuisine with an array of breads, grilled meats and vegetable dishes all enhanced by the flavoursome spices so commonly used in Turkish cooking. Explore Turkish culture further by learning the language with us this Autumn!
Turkish Beginners Step 1 will help you to practice your communication and reading and writing skills to familiarise yourself with the language at a beginners level.
Find out more about our Turkish courses
5. Italian
Speaking of culture and cuisine...there aren't many places that rival Italy for food (and perhaps a glass of wine!). Learn Italian to enhance a long sun-soaked lunch on holiday or if you're the romantic type, Italian is surely the language of love to learn! Ami l'Italia? Then sign up for your Beginners Step 1 course with us!
The starter course will combine a mix of self-directed and interactive learning activities to help you get a hold of beginner Italian.
Find out more about our Italian courses
Term 1 Format
Our languages are taught by dedicated tutors who are passionate about their subject area with each class concentrating on listening and speaking – ensuring an interactive classroom experience (despite being online in Term 1). So you’ll quickly be able to start communicating in whatever language you choose.
This autumn, our languages will be delivered on Zoom. If you have any questions or concerns about studying remotely with us this term, we’ve devoted a whole portion of our website to FAQs including how to prepare, what to expect and more!
Learn more about Studying Remotely
Looking for another level?
All of our picks are within Beginners Step 1 and once complete, you'll be ready to move onto Step 2. However, if you've already learned some of the language before, you can come in at another level. You can find out more about this below (including contact info if you have further questions).
View our full list of Languages Short Courses Here