Q&A with Biology of Birds Teaching Fellow
Short Courses Science and Nature Teaching Fellow Sue Lewis encourages all nature-lovers to spread their wings and dive into her Term 2 Biology of Birds courses.
Has this year brought you closer to your local surroundings within the natural world?
If you'd like to discover more about the feathered friends around us in 2021, we have three online courses running in Term 2 - including one specifically about seabirds.
Short Courses Science and Nature Teaching Fellow Sue Lewis tells us more about what to 'egg-spect' from the following Biology of Birds courses below:
The Biology of Birds: Ecology and Conservation (Online)
The Biology of Birds: Communication and Reproduction (Online)
The Biology of Birds: Seabird Ecology and Conservation (Online)
1. What are the main topics that your course explores?
Biology of birds explores the diversity and evolution of birds from their prehistoric ancestors, how they fly and their amazing migrations, how they communicate, find mates and breed, the diversity in their foraging behaviour, how we study their populations and finally how we can conserve these amazing species.
Seabird Ecology and Conservation explores what seabirds are, their adaptations to live in what some might consider the harshest environments, how we study their populations and what we understand about their threats and conservation actions to help them.
2. Which part of your courses do students often tend to enjoy the most?
Bird migration and bird song were favourites in the Biology of Birds courses.
Seabird Ecology and Conservation is a new course, but I think students of all ages will enjoy learning all the different seabird groups and understanding their incredibly specialised adaptations.
3. How will the course be of a similar standard online to on-campus?
I will share the same powerpoint slides as I would have in the classroom and answer any questions via the chat box. If it is difficult to answer during the session, I will allow plenty of time at the end to read the questions and give answers.
4. What skills will students gain from your courses?
Students will leave the session with a greater understanding of wild birds and ecology and conservation.
5. In terms of workload, about how many hours a week will students be expected to put in?
Just the weekly two-hour lectures (each course lasts for three weeks) and any additional reading they would like to pursue themselves.
If you love birds, or you want to know more about them, I will do everything I can to make the course enjoyable for you. Birds are amazing!
The first Biology of Birds course starts in mid January and booking for all of our courses closes 8 days before the course start date.
Browse our full range of Term 2 Science and Nature Courses here