Get Creative This Summer!
Whether you're looking for an online or in-person course to try this summer, our selection of Short Courses will widen your artistic skills without demanding much of your time.
Unleash your creativity this summer with these daytime Short Courses starting in August. From one-day workshops to courses spread over a few days, our summer courses are designed to fit flexibly into your schedule.
Whether it's practising your coastal freehand or delving deep into digital art, these handpicked courses will allow you to spark your imagination while learning new skills.
Introduction to Coastal Drawing and Painting (In-person)
How does drawing and painting along the Firth of Forth coastline sound? This two-and-a-half day course takes place both on-site and in the studio.
The sessions will help you improve these artistic techniques while working with the ever-changing environmental conditions and landscape.
uCreate Introduction to 3D digital modelling with Blender (Online)
Always wanted to master the art of 3D modelling? You’ll have the chance to create your very own 3D sculptures in this hands-on workshop.
Perfect for beginners, students will be introduced to the free Blender software and platform. By the end of the course, students will have the tools and skillset to create and render basic 3D models of physical objects.
Walking in the City: Contemporary Flânerie (In-person)
Experience new ways of perceiving Edinburgh in this French form of contemporary art. This one-day course explores your personal relationship of how you walk through the city.
From structured walks to open up the senses, you’ll then record your experience through a choice of different mediums including drawing, photography, audio or writing.
uCreate Introduction to photogrammetry (Online)
This one-day taster workshop allows you to use your camera or smartphone to create digital models of just about anything! If you’ve never heard of photogrammetry, it’s the process of transforming a series of 2D images from an object into a 3D digital model.
This technique is being adopted more frequently in the arts and sciences to replicate large scale objects such as archaeological sites and dinosaur tracks. Supported by our partners uCreate Studios, this session is ideal for those interested in 3D printing, sculpting and model conversion.
We're also offering Short Courses within a range of other subject areas this August, follow the link below to view the full range.