Short Courses

Meet Someone New!

From peer support to socialising after class, the University of Edinburgh's Short Courses are a great way to meet new people living in and around the Edinburgh area

Short Courses students

As you might know, there are many benefits of taking a Short Course – expanding your knowledge in a subject area, learning something new from a University of Edinburgh staff member, building upon your portfolio and of course, enjoying yourself!

Here at the Centre for Open Learning, we’re also passionate about bringing people together and with about of the UK population (of all ages) admitting they often feel lonely (British Red Cross and Co-Op, 2016), we thought we’d highlight another perk - the ability to meet a variety of new people that live in and around Edinburgh.

With this in mind, we wanted to share some of the lovely feedback we’ve had from students this past month about their experiences of meeting new people on their Short Course. 

On the social aspect...

“I didn’t expect to make new friends, but as a class, we quickly realised we all shared similar interests and could support each other along the way. Having recently moved to Edinburgh, I found it to be a fantastic way to meet new, like-minded people. Sometimes, after class, we’d catch up over a coffee or a drink as a group, which was an added bonus - everyone was so nice and friendly.”


On course diversity...

“I didn’t realise how international the course would be! In my class not only did we have a lot of Scottish and English students, but we had students of all ages from at least four different countries that all lived closeby. I feel this really added to the way we analysed the content in our class as we had a variety of different cultural perspectives as well as overall opinions.” 

Why not join a course yourself this spring? Term 3 Short Courses start in April an deadlines are approaching!


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