Open days, events and visits
Edinburgh: Extraordinary futures await.

Biological & Life Sciences

Biological and Life Sciences programmes generally sit within our School of Biological Science.

 Due to the interdisciplinary nature of some science programmes, the sessions below may also fall under other Schools as well, for instance the Medical School or the School of GeoSciences.

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Privacy statement: Registering for an event

Found some sessions of interest? Book now through our registration form.

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Don't forget...

We have lots of sessions running throughout the week in addition to the School sessions which include:  admissions Q&A, accommodation, student panels, how to write an application, careers support, fees and funding and much more. You can find the schedule of sessions below and on the booking form:

General Interest sessions


Not found what you're looking for? 

Biomedical Life Sciences programmes are offered through the Edinburgh Medical School.

Earth, Environment & Ecological Sciences are offered through the School of GeoSciences.