Work while you study

There are many options for working while you study including part-time paid work, internships and work experience. Discover how to track down opportunities and important information you need to know.

Finding part time work

Working while you study can be a great way to develop your skills and earn some money.  You can search for part-time work on the Careers Service jobs portal, MyCareerHub:

Log in to MyCareerHub

You can also find useful advice on looking for part time work including an introduction to common part time jobs and employers in Edinburgh, where to find job vacancies and combining part-time work and study on the Careers Service website:

Opportunities for undergraduates

Opportunities for postgraduates

Internships and work experience

Internships and work experience can be a great way for you to develop your skills and gain an insight into a sector or with a specific employer.  The Careers service can provide you with advice on looking for advertised and unadvertised internships and tracking down work experience: 

Advice from the Careers Service on looking for advertised internships

The University also runs a range of internship schemes including on campus summer internships, internships with small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and overseas internships:

Employ.ed on-campus internships

Employ.ed in an SME internships

The Information Services Group at the University (ISG) are committed to providing on campus employment for students. They offer a wide range of paid internships and part-time jobs throughout the year. For further information about their opportunities and how you can apply to work in IS, visit:

Student employment in Information Services

The Edinburgh Award

If you work part time during semester or vacation or if you do an internship you may be eligible to complete the Edinburgh Award, the University's award scheme that gives you recognition for your achievements outside of your degree programme. You can find out more about the Edinburgh Award and whether you're eligible on the Edinburgh Award website:

Find out more about the Edinburgh Award

Tax and National insurance - what you need to know

If you're employed during your studies you should also be aware of important information on income tax, National Insurance and pension contributions.  

National insurance and tax