Student Systems

Using our pre-application 'Contextual Data Checker'

View guidance on completing our online 'Contextual data checker' form. A pre-application tool used to indicate whether or not your application will be flagged for additional consideration in our admissions process.


The 'Contextual Data Checker' is an online questionnaire found within our Student, Recruitment and Admissions (SRA) website Click on the link below to visit the page.

SRA Admissions Advice

Before you make an application, you can use this online questionnaire to provide an indication of the likelihood of you receiving a 'Contextual' offer from the University of Edinburgh.  Once submitted it will also provide you with supporting information on how contextual admissions operate.

Please note Applicants will go through the standard UCAS application process.

Please note: This is a pre-application check and is not used as part of your application to study.  This must go through the standard UCAS application process.

The Checker asks if you are a 'Care Leaver' and if you have participated within 'Widening Participation' programme. 

Depending on your answers the questionnaire may ask for the following information:

  • socio-economic,
  • educational levels,
  • educational establishments
  • geographical information. 

You can access the 'Contextual Data Checker' via the button below:

Contextual Data Checker

How does the 'Checker' work?

The 'Checker' begins with the 'Care Leaver' and 'Programme Participation' questions.  Answering 'Yes' to either of these questions provides a 'Context plus' flag and no further questions are then asked.

Image of contextual data checker with care leaver question

Answering 'No' displays additional questions, requesting Post code and 'Schools attended', to calculate the socio economic and educational indicators.

Image of contextual data checker with postcode and education question

Typing a Post code will present a list of schools in your locality, however you are still able to type the school name directly if you were educated in a different geographical area to that in which you currently reside.

When you have completed the information, clicking the submit button zooms in to the result. 

Image of contextual data checker with school question

If you were a 'Care Leaver' this result will also highlight the care leaver pledge.

Image of contextual data checker results

If you have any questions about the 'Contextual Data Checker' please contact us on the details below:

Student Recruitment and Admissions

  • Postgraduate enquiries

Contact details



Enquiry Management
Student Recruitment and Admissions
Wilkie Building
Teviot Row

Post Code

If you have any technical difficulties using the 'Contextual Data Checker' please contact us on via the details below for help:

Student Systems

Contact details