Student Systems


View guidance on the re-submission process for PGR thesis submissions within the EUCLID 'PGR Thesis workflow' software.

When recording an 'Outcome of resubmission' you will have a dates field which will be populated with the default number of months recorded against this Outcome. This is an editable field.

Image of resubmission outcome screen

Note: An automatic 'Extension Request' will be sent to the Student Records Team.

You will be asked to confirm the Outcome in a pop-up window.

Image of outcome selected pop up window save outcome button

On saving details, confirmation of your updates will appear at the top of the screen.


resubmission process image

The outcome is now recorded in the Outcome of the first submission attempt:


Image of update thesis outcome for submission

You can download the Outcome letter from this screen.

You can check the 'Extension Request' by going to the 'Programme' tab within the Student hub.


resubmission process image
resubmission process image


resubmission process image


Adding the Outcome will complete the submission attempt.

To add a new attempt with 'Resubmission' details select the ‘Add’ button.


resubmission process image


The 'Assessment type' will be automatically selected based on thesis submission attempt #1. This is non editable.

Click on 'Save'.

resubmission process image

 Attempt #2 is then created with a reduced number of actions (ie. NITS date removed)

resubmission process image


Select ‘Edit’ to continue with submission #2.


resubmission process image

Note: You can edit 'Examiners' attached to attempt 2 by editing the ‘Examiners section’ and deleting an examiner and adding a new one for the new attempt.

On keying all the details you will be asked to select an 'Outcome' as you did with attempt #1

Image of Outcome dates screen
Image of outcome selected ocnfirmation popup window

When the 'Outcome' is saved Outcome letter can be generated. 

Image of the submission screen with the outcome letter available for download

You can then return to record the ‘Award Approved Date’ when you are ready to create the Award letter and the Award request for the student.

Image of outcome screen with award approved date field

This will finalise the resubmission attempt and generate the 'Award 'request to the Student Records Team. 

The Award letter can now be generated.


resubmission process image


Image of updated resubmission screen


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Via outcome sections


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