Student Systems

Change ratified or published marks

If you need to change any marks including the final course result you need to unratify the course result first.

You only need to unratify it - you don't need to unpublish it. Once the result is unratified make the changes and then ratify and publish the new result. The new published result will just replace the previous one.

If you want no result to be visible to the student while you make your changes you can choose to unpublish it. Just keep in mind the student may check their account and see no result visible after previously seeing something there.

Process Summary

The following process describes how to change ratified or published marks.

Each step in this process links to other existing guidance but is set out here for clarity. 

  1. If you want to unpublish the final course result (please see notes above)

  2. Unratify the course result (note: you must be a superuser for the course)
  3. Make the required changes to item, component, assessment or final course marks
  4. Calculate the course result
  5. Ratify the new course result
  6. Publish the new course result

The new course result will now be visible to the student through their EUCLID account.

You can see a copy of what the student sees by looking in the Student Hub. If you need guidance on doing this, please go to Student view.