Widening Participation

Reach Edinburgh - Registration

Register online with Reach Edinburgh to keep up-to-date with all our news and be invited to our events and workshops.

  1. Start (current step)
  2. Your Details
  3. Emergency Contact Information
  4. School & Qualification Information
  5. Eligibility Information
  6. Privacy Statement & Submit Form

To sign up to Reach Edinburgh, you must: be in S4 - S6 attending a state secondary school in one of  the areas below and interested in studying Law, Medicine or Veterinary Medicine

  • Edinburgh
  • East, Mid or West Lothian
  • Scottish Borders
  • Falkirk
  • Stirling
  • Clackmannanshire

You must also fulfill at least ONE of our eligibility criteria, noted below:

  • you are Care Experienced; or
  • you live in a Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) quintile 1 or 2 postcode area; or
  • you are a Young Carer; or
  • you are estranged from your family; or
  • you are a refugee or asylum seeker; or
  • you are entitled to or are in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM); or
  • you are entitled to or are in receipt of Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA); or
  • you live in a low-income household; or
  • you live in an area considered to be remote/rural; or
  • you are facing educational disadvantages due to challenging circumstances

For more information about our eligibility criteria, please see the 'Who can join?' tab on our website.

If you are unsure if you are eligible, please contact us to discuss this.

Once we've received and processed your registration, we will send you a welcome email with an information guides for your selected subject(s).

Please note that it can take up to 7 days for us to process your registration.