TITLE: 5-wave factor of curves model of general cognitive ability and four cognitive ability domains DATA: FILE = "";!add data file name here ! Note that some of the cognitive test scores are scaled so that all test variances are ! within a similar range. This is to aid model convergence. ! Some of the test slopes' residual variances were near zero and estimated as negative. ! To avoid these out of bounds estimates, residual variances that were estimated as ! negative are fixed to zero in the model. ! We use the marker variable method of scale setting. VARIABLE: NAMES = matreas_w1 matreas_w2 matreas_w3 matreas_w4 blkdes_w1 blkdes_w2 blkdes_w3 blkdes_w4 spantot_w1 spantot_w2 spantot_w3 spantot_w4 vpatotal_w1 vpatotal_w2 vpatotal_w3 vpatotal_w4 lmtotal_w1 lmtotal_w2 lmtotal_w3 lmtotal_w4 digback_w1 digback_w2 digback_w3 digback_w4 nart_w1 nart_w2 narttot_w3 narttot_w4 wtar_w1 wtar_w2 wtartot_w3 wtartot_w4 vftot_w1 vftot_w2 vftot_w3 vftot_w4 digsym_w1 digsym_w2 digsym_w3 digsym_w4 symsear_w1 symsear_w2 symsear_w3 symsear_w4 crtmean_w1 crtmean_w2 crtmean_w3 crtmean_w4 ittotal_w1 ittotal_w2 ittotal_w3 ittotal_w4 matreas_w5 blkdes_w5 spantot_w5 vpatotal_w5 lmtotal_w5 digback_w5 narttot_w5 wtartot_w5 vftot_w5 digsym_w5 symsear_w5 crtmean_w5 ittotal_w5; USEVARIABLES = matreas_w1 matreas_w2 matreas_w3 matreas_w4 blkdes_w1 blkdes_w2 blkdes_w3 blkdes_w4 spantot_w1 spantot_w2 spantot_w3 spantot_w4 vpatotal_w1 vpatotal_w2 vpatotal_w3 vpatotal_w4 lmtotal_w1 lmtotal_w2 lmtotal_w3 lmtotal_w4 digback_w1 digback_w2 digback_w3 digback_w4 nart_w1 nart_w2 narttot_w3 narttot_w4 wtar_w1 wtar_w2 wtartot_w3 wtartot_w4 vftot_w1 vftot_w2 vftot_w3 vftot_w4 digsym_w1 digsym_w2 digsym_w3 digsym_w4 symsear_w1 symsear_w2 symsear_w3 symsear_w4 crtmean_w1 crtmean_w2 crtmean_w3 crtmean_w4 ittotal_w1 ittotal_w2 ittotal_w3 ittotal_w4 matreas_w5 blkdes_w5 spantot_w5 vpatotal_w5 lmtotal_w5 digback_w5 narttot_w5 wtartot_w5 vftot_w5 digsym_w5 symsear_w5 crtmean_w5 ittotal_w5; MISSING = ALL(-9999); !code missing !rescaled some of the cognitive test variables so that variances are within a similar !range see http://www.statmodel.com/discussion/messages/11/1615.html?1335376547 DEFINE: blkdes_w1 = blkdes_w1/2; blkdes_w2 = blkdes_w2/2; blkdes_w3 = blkdes_w3/2; blkdes_w4 = blkdes_w4/2; blkdes_w5 = blkdes_w5/2; vftot_w1 = vftot_w1/2; vftot_w2 = vftot_w2/2; vftot_w3 = vftot_w3/2; vftot_w4 = vftot_w4/2; vftot_w5 = vftot_w5/2; lmtotal_w1 = lmtotal_w1/3; lmtotal_w2 = lmtotal_w2/3; lmtotal_w3 = lmtotal_w3/3; lmtotal_w4 = lmtotal_w4/3; lmtotal_w5 = lmtotal_w5/3; digback_w1 = 3*digback_w1; digback_w2 = 3*digback_w2; digback_w3 = 3*digback_w3; digback_w4 = 3*digback_w4; digback_w5 = 3*digback_w5; digsym_w1 = digsym_w1/2; digsym_w2 = digsym_w2/2; digsym_w3 = digsym_w3/2; digsym_w4 = digsym_w4/2; digsym_w5 = digsym_w5/2; ittotal_w1 = ittotal_w1/2; ittotal_w2 = ittotal_w2/2; ittotal_w3 = ittotal_w3/2; ittotal_w4 = ittotal_w4/2; ittotal_w5 = ittotal_w5/2; crtmean_w1 = -50 * crtmean_w1; crtmean_w2 = -50 * crtmean_w2; crtmean_w3 = -50 * crtmean_w3; crtmean_w4 = -50 * crtmean_w4; crtmean_w5 = -50 * crtmean_w5; MODEL: !SPEED !individual test levels and slopes !Symbol search i_symsear s_symsear | symsear_w1@0 symsear_w2@2.98 symsear_w3@6.75 symsear_w4@9.82 symsear_w5@12.54; !covariance between level and slope !i_symsear with s_symsear; s_symsear@0; !variables with negative resitdual variances fixed at 0 !Digit symbol coding i_digsym s_digsym | digsym_w1@0 digsym_w2@2.98 digsym_w3@6.75 digsym_w4@9.82 digsym_w5@12.54; !covariance between level and slope i_digsym with s_digsym; !Inspection time i_it s_it | ittotal_w1@0 ittotal_w2@2.98 ittotal_w3@6.75 ittotal_w4@9.82 ittotal_w5@12.54; !covariance between level and slope i_it with s_it; !Reaction time i_crt s_crt | crtmean_w1@0 crtmean_w2@2.98 crtmean_w3@6.75 crtmean_w4@9.82 crtmean_w5@12.54; !covariance between level and slope i_crt with s_crt; !processing speed domain level and slope i_speed BY i_it i_digsym i_symsear i_crt; s_speed BY s_it s_digsym s_symsear s_crt; !MEMORY !individual test levels and slopes !verbal pairs i_vpa s_vpa | vpatotal_w1@0 vpatotal_w2@2.98 vpatotal_w3@6.75 vpatotal_w4@9.82 vpatotal_w5@12.54; !covariance between level and slope i_vpa with s_vpa; !logical memory i_lm s_lm | lmtotal_w1@0 lmtotal_w2@2.98 lmtotal_w3@6.75 lmtotal_w4@9.82 lmtotal_w5@12.54; !covariance between level and slope !i_lm with s_lm; s_lm@0;!variables with negative resitdual variances fixed at 0 !Digit backwards i_digback s_digback | digback_w1@0 digback_w2@2.98 digback_w3@6.75 digback_w4@9.82 digback_w5@12.54; !covariance between level and slope i_digback with s_digback; !memory domain level and slope i_mem BY i_lm i_vpa i_digback; s_mem BY s_lm s_vpa s_digback; !Crystallised !individual test levels and slopes !NART i_nart s_nart | nart_w1@0 nart_w2@2.98 narttot_w3@6.75 narttot_w4@9.82 narttot_w5@12.54; !covariance between level and slope !i_nart with s_nart; s_nart@0;!variables with negative resitdual variances fixed at 0 !WTAR i_wtar s_wtar | wtar_w1@0 wtar_w2@2.98 wtartot_w3@6.75 wtartot_w4@9.82 wtartot_w5@12.54; !covariance between level and slope !i_wtar with s_wtar; s_wtar@0;!variables with negative resitdual variances fixed at 0 !Verbal fluency i_vftot s_vftot | vftot_w1@0 vftot_w2@2.98 vftot_w3@6.75 vftot_w4@9.82 vftot_w5@12.54; !covariance between level and slope i_vftot with s_vftot; !crystallised domain level and slope i_crys BY i_wtar i_nart i_vftot; s_crys BY s_wtar s_nart s_vftot; !VISUOSPATIAL !individual test levels and slopes !Block design i_blkdes s_blkdes | blkdes_w1@0 blkdes_w2@2.98 blkdes_w3@6.75 blkdes_w4@9.82 blkdes_w5@12.54; !covariance between level and slope i_blkdes with s_blkdes; !Matrix reasoning i_matreas s_matreas | matreas_w1@0 matreas_w2@2.98 matreas_w3@6.75 matreas_w4@9.82 matreas_w5@12.54; !covariance between level and slope i_matreas with s_matreas; !Spatial span i_span s_span | spantot_w1@0 spantot_w2@2.98 spantot_w3@6.75 spantot_w4@9.82 spantot_w5@12.54; !covariance between level and slope !i_span with s_span; s_span@0;!variables with negative resitdual variances fixed at 0 !visuospatial domain level and slope i_vis BY i_blkdes i_matreas i_span; s_vis BY s_blkdes s_matreas s_span; !!!! === General cognitive ability === !!!! I_G BY i_vis i_crys i_mem i_speed; S_G BY s_vis s_crys s_mem s_speed; !covariance between domains i_vis with s_vis; i_crys with s_crys; i_mem with s_mem; i_speed with s_speed; OUTPUT: STDYX; !get STANDARDIZED ESTIMATES