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Roslin Director is awarded the Ronald Ross medal

Professor Eleanor Riley has been awarded the 2019 Ronald Ross medal for her research in malaria immunology and contributions to Africa.

Eleanor Riley
Professor Eleanor Riley giving a talk on her malaria work on International Women's Day 2018.

The winner of the 2019 Ronald Ross Medal is Professor Eleanor Riley, Director of The Roslin Institute. Professor Riley is a world leader in malaria immunology, with a unique background in basic sciences, veterinary medicine, human infectious diseases and global health, and has made major contributions to strengthening research capacity in Africa. This is the first time that a woman has won the medal.

The medal has been awarded at LSHTM’s graduation ceremony on 5 March 2019.

Professor Riley is also Dean for Research and Professor of Immunology and Infectious Disease at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Honorary Professor and previously Professor of Immunology at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LGHTM).

Ronald Ross Medal

The Ronald Ross Medal recognises outstanding contributions to the advancement of tropical public health or tropical medicine.

Sir Ronald Ross made the momentous discovery of the malaria parasite in the female anopheline mosquito thus demonstrating that the mosquito was the vector of malaria on 20 August 1897. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1902, only the second ever awarded for medicine and the first received by a British scientist.

This work is still described as one of the greatest discoveries ever made in the field of medicine. In 1926, the Ross Institute was founded with Sir Ronald as the first Director, and it was incorporated within LSHTM in 1934.

To commemorate the centenary of his discovery and to honour his life and work, LSHTM instituted a medal in 1997. The medal is awarded every three years and the recipient can be either LSHTM staff or a non-LSHTM affiliate. The next medal will be awarded in 2022.

** This article has been prepared with materials provided by LSHTM. **

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Professor Eleanor Riley holding the Ronald Ross Medal.
Professor Eleanor Riley holding the Ronald Ross Medal.
Professor Eleanor Riley with Professor Peter Piot, LSHTM Director, and Dame Marjorie Scardino, Chair of Council LSHTM.
Professor Eleanor Riley with Professor Peter Piot, LSHTM Director, and Dame Marjorie Scardino, Chair of Council LSHTM. (C) Tempest Photography.