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Volunteers sought in hunt for genes linked to severe flu cases

Volunteers are being invited to take part in a flu study to understand why some people are more susceptible to the virus than others.

Sara Clohisey

Flu affects millions of people around the world every year. Most cases are mild, but some people become very unwell and need hospital care. Little is known about why some people are more susceptible than others but experts predict that part of the answer may lie in our genes.

Volunteers are being invited to take part in a flu study to understand why some people are more susceptible to the virus than others.

Experts are looking to pinpoint DNA differences between people who become seriously ill from flu and those who fight off the infection.

They hope to uncover specific genes that may make people more vulnerable to developing a life-threatening illness. Understanding these genetic differences could help scientists to devise new treatments, experts say.

With flu season well under way, we’re hoping people will come forward to help us in our vital research to understand how our bodies fight the virus.

Dr Sara ClohiseyThe Roslin Institute
Woman sneezing into tissue

How to volunteer

People of all ages and backgrounds are welcome to take part, regardless of whether they have had flu or not.

  1. Register to take part in the study at
  2. You’ll be contacted if your DNA is needed for the study and you'll receive a brief medical questionnaire and a saliva donation pot in the post.
  3. A small number of volunteers may be asked to travel to The Roslin Institute to donate a blood sample if they are able to do so.

The research is funded by Wellcome. The Roslin Institute receives strategic funding from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.

For more information please contact:

Jen Middleton

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