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New videos: Genetic modification for animal health

Researchers at The Roslin Institute explain what transgenesis is and its potential applications for animal health.

Through a process called transgenesis, it is possible to insert a gene from an animal into the genome of a different animal. In this series of videos produced by Sonal Katyal MSc, researchers at The Roslin Institute explain how transgenesis works and its potential applications.

They are applying their knowledge of reproduction, embryology and molecular biology to genetically improve animals, from mice to chickens, rats, sheep, pigs and cattle.

In the first video, Roslin PhD student Gus McFarlane explains how this process works and its potential to improve animals’ welfare, productivity or even produce a crucial drug to save human lives.


In the second video, Professor Helen Sang tells us about the advantages of transgenesis for animal health.


In the third video, Professor Bruce Whitelaw explains how this technique could be used to e.g. produce mosquitoes that do not transmit malaria.


Related links

New video: Dr Simon Lillico on uses of gene editing

New videos: Advantages and potential of gene editing

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