Martin Whitfield MP visits the Institute and Science Outreach Centre
Martin Whitfield MP was shown the work conducted at The Roslin Institute and the Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre.
On 8 June we received a visit by a Member of the UK Parliament. Martin Whitfield is MP for East Lothian and is a member of the Science and Technology Committee.
Mr Whitfield visited The Roslin Institute to hear about the research work conducted at the Institute. The visit continued at the Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre (EBSOC) - a teaching laboratory built to deliver interactive scientific workshops for school pupils from age 10 to 18 as well as members of the public.
We are delighted to welcome Martin Whitfield MP to The Roslin Institute. The research conducted at the Institute helps farmers in the region and beyond to improve agricultural productivity and the welfare of farmed animals. Our Science Outreach Centre plays a very important role in making science engaging and fun for school pupils and communities from all backgrounds. Our goal is to educate and inform people about the science we do and inspire them to consider a career in science.
As part of his visit to the University of Edinburgh, Martin Whitfield MP also visited the Informatics Forum.
Related links
Members of the Scottish Parliament visit the Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre
Royal visit to Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre
Miles Briggs MSP visits Edinburgh Genomics at The Roslin Institute