Laboratory for Bacterial Evolution and Pathogenesis (LBEP)

Leonardos Mageiros

Research Fellow

Leonardos Mageiros profile picture

Leo joined Ross Fitzgerald's lab in 2021 as a postdoctoral research fellow. He applied comparative genomics in order to understand Staphylococcus aureus evolution and host adaptation.

Previously, he had worked as a postdoctoral researcher with Professor Kat Holt (Monash University) on Salmonella typhi infections and how these affect the human gut microbiome. He had also worked at the University of Bath under the supervision of Professor Ed Feil, studying the microbiome of river water in South Africa. He completed his PhD in Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease at Swansea University with Professor Samuel Sheppard in 2018.

His main research interests lie in the fields of bioinformatics, (meta)genomics, epidemiology and evolution of pathogens of public health importance.


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More information (people): 

Staff Profile: Kat Holt (Monsah University)

Staff Profile: Ed Feil (University of Bath)

Staff Profile: Samuel Sheppard (Swansea University)