The Roslin Institute
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Genomics Platform

The Genomics Platform is able to provide the production of single-cell-RNA-seq & single-nuclei-RNA-seq library preparations using two different approaches, providing researchers the ability to choose the method most suited to their experiments.

As sample preparation is key to a successful scRNA-seq/snRNA-seq experiment, we are able to advise users on experimental planning and sample preparation to provide the best possible results. Libraries will be returned along with a QC report, and if required, advice on sequencing strategy and supplier.

As well as single-cell/nuclei library preparations the Genomics Platform hosts a user-operated GridION Long-Read sequencer and a Promega RSC instrument providing automated DNA/RNA extractions from a wide variety of sample types.



Dr James Furniss

Genomics Facility Manager

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Professor Dan Macqueen

Genomics Facility Academic Lead

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