Chromatin Biology and Epigenetics

12th Transgenic Technology Meeting

October 2014

12th Transgenic Technology Meeting logo

Ailbhe and Irene attended the 12th Transgenic Technology Meeting in Edinburgh, 6-8th October 2014.

This meeting was organized by the International Society for Transgenic Technologies (ISTT) and was hosted by three world-class Scottish research institutes and the University of Edinburgh: the Roslin Institute; the Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine and the Beatson Institute for Cancer Research.

The TT meeting visited the UK for the first time following the previous meetings in Guangzhou, China (2013); Florida, USA (2011); Berlin, Germany (2010); Toronto, Canada (2008); Brisbane, Australia (2007) and Barcelona, Spain (2005). This will be the 12th meeting in the series, originally pioneered by Johannes Wilbertz (Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden) in 1999. Since the foundation of the ISTT in 2006, the TT meetings have been the main event sponsored by the Society.