Discover our research
Based on our established excellence in discovery science and ambitions for our research, we have three areas where we aim to make a significant difference.
These are our research missions, full of stories of how our extraordinary research is advancing knowledge, breaking barriers and unlocking innovation
Research and Innovation Strategy 2030

The University of Edinburgh has been transforming the world since 1583. This is how our extraordinary research and innovation will continue to do so.
Research and Innovation Strategy 2030 (1.7 MB PDF)
Research and Innovation Strategy 2030 Executive Summary (502.08 KB PDF)
For current staff, find out more about what the Strategy means for you.
Research and Innovation Strategy Sharepoint [University login required]

- Wave-predicting robots could cut green energy costs
- Cell ageing can snowball into multi-organ failure
- Shrinking portions drive fall in meat consumption
- Cancer gene linked to Scottish island
- Experts advise on sports concussion protocols
- AI tool predicts risk of emergency hospital visits
- Gene-edited cells could halt MS progression
Global Health Map
See where our research and innovation in health are making a difference around the world via our interactive map.
Edinburgh Research Explorer
Edinburgh Research Explorer is the hub for exploring our pioneering research activity.
Supporting our research community
Explore resources that help everyone do their best work at Edinburgh

Support for research
Every member of our research and innovation community is valued and supported to realise their full potential. Find out more about the resources available to researchers, innovators, PhD students and technical staff
Institute for Academic Development support for different research roles
Our research and innovation is international. The Global Partnerships Team offers guidance on how to develop collaborations to maximise your global impact.

Support for impact and innovation
Our research and innovation is influential. Learn more about the resources available to help our work inform decisions within policy, industry, practice and the public.
Engagement for Impact Hub [University login required]

Research environment
Our research practices maintain the highest standards of ethics and integrity, upholding values of honesty, rigour, transparency and open communication in our research and innovation. Find out more about how we are doing this.
Principles of Global Engagement
Work with us
Find out how you can join us in making our research and innovation work for a better world

By connecting academic expertise with industry and public sector partners, we unlock innovation and make ideas work for a better world. We create companies based on our extraordinary research, with investment opportunities available.
Edinburgh Innovations - support for industry
Old College Capital (OCC) is the University of Edinburgh’s venture investment fund. OCC manages Edinburgh’s early-stage investment activities and shareholdings, supporting exciting ideas and technologies emerging from the University.

Policy engagement
Our experts help decision makers shape policies that are evidence-led and informed. Find out how to engage with our world-class researchers.

Your career
Find out about job and funding opportunities to advance your academic and innovation career
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