Wilson McLeod

Professor of Gaelic


BA (Haverford), JD (Harvard), MScPhD (Edinburgh)

Responsibilities & affiliations

Main administrative duties

  • Director of Research, Celtic & Scottish Studies
  • Course Organiser for Introduction to Gaelic Language and Culture, Gaelic 1A and Linguistics and the Gaelic Language

Undergraduate teaching

Postgraduate teaching

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Current PhD students supervised

Adam Dahmer: Language revitalisation and Gaelic tertiary education

Saul Farrell (School of History, Classics and Archaeology): The social, cultural and Ideological contribution of the Gaelic League to the ‘imagined community’ of the Irish nation-state, 1893-1922

Lisa MacDonald (Moray House School of Education): An t-ionnsachadh bòidheach: exploring intentionality in Gaelic 0-5 education

Niamh Nic Leoid: Code-switching in young Irish speakers in the Gaeltacht

Chris Oates: Social usage of Gaelic in Glasgow and its capacity to support Gaelic revitalisation

Ann Thirkell (Moray House School of Education): A study of the pedagogical approaches used by Gaelic-medium primary teachers to develop Gaelic language in Gaelic-medium education

Edit Wenelius: Prepositional relative clause constructions in Scottish Gaelic: Variation and motivation

Charles Wilson: Geolinguistic variation in Hebridean Gaelic: The case of nominal morphology


Research summary

  • language policy and planning issues in Scotland and internationally;
  • language legislation and language rights;
  • the cultural politics of Scottish and Irish Gaelic literature from the late medieval period to the present day.