Dr Lois Wilson-McFarland |
Lecturer in Religion and Literature |
Ms Dawn Windsor |
Named Training and Competency Officer |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Elinor Wing |
Kevin Wing |
Lecturer In Epidemiology |
Zuzanna Winke |
German tutor |
Robert Winstanley-Chesters |
Teaching and Research Fellow in Korean Studies |
- Asian Studies
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Josh Winter |
Intern in Small Animal surgery |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
James Winters |
PhD Linguistics & English Language |
Alicia Winthrop |
Intern in Emergency and Critical Care |
Fadila Wirawan |
Dr Stewart Wiseman |
Research Fellow |
Professor Jennifer Wishart |
Professor Emerita |
- Moray House School of Education and Sport
Dr Thomas Wishart |
Group Leader |
- The Roslin Institute
- Functional Genetics and Development
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- Blueprints for Healthy Animals
Buddhini Withana |
- School of Health in Social Sciences
Karen Witherspoon |
IRR Administration Manager |
- https://regeneration-repair.ed.ac.uk/
Joanna Witkowska |
Marieke Woensdregt |
PhD Linguistics & English Language |
Monika Wojcik |
Acting Staffing Team Leader |
Rebecca Wojturska |
Open Access Publishing Officer |
- Edinburgh Diamond | Homepage
- Edinburgh Diamond | Twitter
- Edinburgh Diamond | LinkedIn
- PURE Profile
- Personal LinkedIn
Johanna Wolf |
Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies