Shivashish Wali



Graduated with a Master's Degree in FIlm Directing, Edinburgh College of Art,  University of Edinburgh (2016-2017)

Conferred with the following awards during his studies.

  • GREAT Scholarship
  • Principal's GoAbroad Fund
  • Creative Skillset Production Fund

Responsibilities & affiliations

Creative Director of the Entreprenurship Society now Edinburgh Entrepreneurs, University of Edinburgh (2016-2017)

Project activity

1) Researcher, EDINA, University of Edinburgh

o Engaging and researching the practices of PhD students across the University of Edinburgh.

o Informing software development by reflecting PhD research and thesis writing process.

o Reflecting & reporting on the usefulness, appropriateness, and usability of Hiberlink technologies.

o Undertaking qualitative research in a market research context.

o Summarizing, Updating, reporting the data collected

o Supporting Design and development of technologies created for PhD students.



  1. Edinburgh International Film Festival
  2. Glasgow Film Festival 
  3. Developed and Performed a Forum Theatre Event at Moray House School of Education, The University of Edinburgh on the topic “Exploring Black British Experiences”