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Name Role Business unit(s)
Andrew Arnott Climate, Biodiversity and Sustainability Manager
Mohit Arora Research Associate, Sustainable Built Environment & Circular Economy
Dr Fabien Arribert-Narce Senior Lecturer in French and Francophone Studies
Atta Arshad
Nimra Arshad (PhD student)
Professor Rowena Arshad CBE, FEIS Professor Emerita
Inés Arteta
Ines Aščerić-Todd Head of Department, Senior Lecturer in Arabic and Middle Eastern Cultures
Emily Asgari
Kate Ash-Irisarri Lecturer in Late Medieval Scottish & English Literature
Mrs Lindsey Ashburner Veterinary Nurse (Day Rotation)
Thulani Ashcroft Teaching Fellow, UNCOVER Project Manager
Jim Ashe Director of Innovation, CSE Bayes Centre, Director of Commercialisation and Industry Engagement, School of Informatics
Dr Sinead Ashe Senior Teaching Fellow
Mike Ashford Lecturer in Sports Coaching
Lewis Ashman PhD student – History
James Ashmore
Candice Ashmore-Harris Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Jordan Ashworth PhD Student
Marjan Asi From La Hukma illa Lilla to Khalifat Allah: The Evolution of Quietism in Early Islam