Sergio Della Sala
- Psychology
- School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences
Contact details
- Tel: 0131 651 3242
- Email:
- Street
Room F9, Psychology Building
- City
- 7 George Square, Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH8 9JZ
I am in my office most of the days and would be available for meeting also at short notice. However, please to set appointments by email to avoid waiting or disappointments:
Previous Posts
- Professor of Neuropsychology and Honorary Consultant in Neurology, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK (from January 1994 to March 2004).
- Senior Consultant Neurologist, University Teaching Hospital, Milan and Head of the Neuropsychology Unit, Medical Centre of Veruno (NO), Clinica del Lavoro Foundation, Scientific Institute of Care and Research, University of Pavia (1986-1993).
Recent Books
- MacPherson, S.E., & Della Sala, S. (Eds.) (2019) Cases of Amnesia: Contributions to Understanding Memory and the Brain. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge.
- Della Sala. S., & Anderson, M. (Eds.) (2016) Le neuroscienze a scuola. Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo. Milan, Giunti Universale Scuola. ISBN - EAN: 9788809788558.
- Macpherson, S.E. & Della Sala, S. (2015) The Handbook of Frontal Assessment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Della Sala, S. & Anderson, M. (Eds.) (2012). Neuroscience in Education: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Oxford University Press.
- Kapur, N., Pascual-Leone, A., Ramachandran, V., Cole, J., Della Sala, S., Manly, T. & Mayes, A. (Eds.) (2011) The Paradoxical Brain. Cambridge. UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Della Sala, S. (2010). Forgetting. Hove, U.K.: Psychology Press
- Della Sala, S. & Dewar, M. (2010). Mai fidarsi della mente. N+1 esperimenti per capire come ci inganna e perche. Bari: Editori Laterza.
- Della Sala, S. (Ed.) (2007). Tall Tales about the Mind and Brain. Oxford University Press.
Higher education and Degrees
- Qualification as Clinical Psychologist (Italian law n. 56, 18/2/89)
- Post-doctoral degree (Ph.D) in Psychobiology (Neuropsychology), University of Milan, 1989
- Visiting Scientist, Applied Psychology Unit, Cambridge, UK, 1982, 1983 and 1985
- Post-doctoral Fellow in Neurology, University of Milan, 1984
- Degree in Medicine and Surgery (M.D.) - with distinction - University of Milan, 1980
- Health and Science, Pre-Med School, 1976-77, Berkeley University, Cal, USA
- High School Leaving Certificate ("Liceo Classico" specializing in classical studies), Milan, 1974
Responsibilities & affiliations
Recognitions & Awards
- From 2017 President of Board of Trustees of Mamalita – Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).
- 2018, Member of the Society for Neuroscience.
- From 2016 Member of the editorial board of The Future of Science and Ethics.
- 2015-2016 Advisor for the (French) Agencie Nationale de la Research.
- 2014-2016 President of the British Neuropsychological Society.
- 2013 International assessor for the Danish National Research Foundation.
- 2012-2014 International Assessor for MIUR (Italian Ministry of Industry, University and Research) research proposals..
- 2011 - Elected President of the CICAP, the Italian Society promoting Critical Thinking.
- 2011 Elected Fellow of the APS – Association for Psychological Sciences.
- 2008-2009 Recipient of the Tam Dalyell Prize for Excellence in Engaging the Public with Science.
- 2008-2010 President of the Federation of European Societies of Neuropsychology.
- 2007-2010 Visiting Professor, School of Psychology, University of Western Australia.
- 2007-2010 Advisor for the Italian Ministry of Industry, University and Research.
- 2006-2010 Honorary Professor, School of Psychology, University of Aberdeen.
- 2006 External assessor for German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), Neuropsychology and Neuroscience section.
- 2006 External assessor for Republic of Ireland Health Research Board.
- 2005 Honorary member of the “Association of Neurosciences of Georgia”.
- 2004 “Raine” Visiting Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Australia.
- 2002 Fellow Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE).
- 2000 Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA).
- 1999 Elected Member of the World Federation of Neurology (Research Group on Cognitive Disorders).
- 1998 Honorary Member of the Cuban Society of Neuroscience.
- 1997 Fellow of the British Psychology Society (FBPsS).
- 1996 USA Academy of Neuropsychology Award for the best research contribution of the year to Clinical Neuropsychology.
- 1996 Honorary Member of the New York Academy of Science.
Undergraduate teaching
Office hours
Wednesday 9.30 - 11.30am
Current PhD students supervised
- Francesco Cimminella (Lead)
- Erminia Fiorentino (Lead)
- Federica Guazzo (Lead)
- Irina Kozlova (Lead)
- Jamie McGhee (Lead)
- Sara Pluviano (Lead)
- Karim Rivera Lares (Lead)
- Riccardo Sacripante (Lead)
- Ilaria Taglialatela Scafati (Lead)
- Andreea Stamate (Lead)
- Binglei Zhao (Lead)
- Carolane Hélin
- Lizzie Fowler
Research summary
Interests in cognitive neuropsychology, in particular in amnesia, visuo-spatial and representational neglect, apraxia and the cognitive deficits of Alzheimer's Disease.
Temporary Binding Test (Change Detection)
Different versions (eprime, flashcard, ERPs) of the Temporary Binding Test (Change Detection) are available for free downloading here:
- VATA-ADL Instructions [docx]
- VATA-ADL English version Caregiver [docx]
- VATA-ADL English version Patient [docx]
- VATA-ADL score sheet [doc]
- VATA-ADL allgemeine Instruktionen [docx]
- VATA-ADL deutsche Version Betreuer Betreuerin [docx]
- VATA-ADL deutsche Version Patient Patientin [docx]
- VATA-ADL Auswertungsblatt [docx]
- VATA-ADL test e istruzioni Italiano [docx]
- VATA-ADL punteggio caregiver [doc]
- VATA-ADL punteggio paziente [doc]
- VATA-ADL riassunto punteggi [doc]
TAM - The Acreematognosia Measurement
- Awareness part [docx]
- TAM [docx]
Paper & Pencil Dual Task
- Instructions and Digit Span [doc]
- Test-Visual Motor Tracking [pdf]
- Practice-Visual Motor Tracking [jpg]
Apraxia Battery: British Version
- Production of intransitive gestures in visual modality Test [ppt]
- Identification of intransitive gestures [ppt]
- Identification of pantomimes [ppt]