Robert Chmielewski (MA, PgCert, FHEA)

Talk to me about e-portfolios, facilitating reflective learning online, assessed blogging, complex marking, PebblePad/ATLAS, Turnitin or anything related to learning technology.

Responsibilities & affiliations

2006 - present – eLearning Advisor, Information Services (Learning Teaching and Web Services)

2021 - 2023 Awarded: PgCert Digital Education (with distinction) 

2013 - 2014 Secondee at the Institute for Academic Development, Secondment task: ‘'Analysis of Business Requirements for the Personal Tutor dialogue between Staff and Students' (UNFOLD project ).

2012 - 2014 E-portfolio Consultant for Lang2Tech project (EU Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation) 

2010 - 2011 Awarded: PgCert University Teaching

2010 - 2011 Secondee at the School of Health in Social Science; Secondment task: ‘Online Programme Design for MSc in Advancing Nursing Studies’

2009   Awarded: CMALT (Certificate Number: 0087)

2005 - 2006 Research Project Officer: ‘Exploring ePortfolios for Personal Development Planning’, Media And Learning Technology Service, UoE

Project activity

Examples of recent/ongoing work:

- Teaching Matters blog post (2018)

- Educational, Design and Egagement blog post (2019)

Invited speaker

2024 Casting the net wide. The “conflict of efficiencies” and large scale PebblePad workflows at The University of Edinburgh, PebblePad Conference 2024, Edinburgh

2019 Supporting complex marking workflows online, Annual ALT Conference , Edinburgh

2019 Students’ Feedback On Feedback, University of Edinburgh's Learning and Teaching Conference, Edinburgh [co-authored with Prof. Peter Higgins]

2019 Stories of online facilitation for employability-related initiatives, Advance HE Employability Symposium: Pedagogy for employability, York

2017 Feedback on Feedback, "Gearing Up" conference, Edinburgh [co-authored with Prof. Peter Higgins]

2016 Students’ feedback on feedback. Enhancing students’ and their markers’ understanding of good feedback, ICERI2016, Seville (Spain) [co-authored with Prof. Peter Higgins]

2015 Unfold: Supporting the student journey from pre-arrival to graduation using reflective online templates, Enhancement Themes 2015 conference, Glasgow [co-authored with Dr. Deborah Shaw]

2014 Enhancing the personal tutor system with the use of reflective templates, PebbleBash, Melbourne (Australia) [co-authored with Prof. Ian Pirie]

2014 Unfold - Supporting the dialogue between students and their personal tutors using reflective online templates, International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia (Spain)

2013 Marginal and Central: The Positioning Of An E-Portfolio Tool In Workplace Language Learning, International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia (Spain) [co-authored with Dr. Peter Evans]

2012 Lang2Tech – Developing Workplace Language Skills Through e-Portfolios, ICT For Language Learning, Florence (Italy)

2012 Flexible use of e-portfolios: from dissertation to volunteering, International ePortfolio and Identity Conference, London

2012 Four fab ideas – including marking on iPads and the ‘why?’ question, PebbleBash International Conference, Shifnal (UK)

2012 MyEdGE and Edinburgh Award in PebblePad, Graduateness and Employability Symposium, University of Staffordshire

2011 INTEGRATE: INTerlinking and Embedding Graduate ATtributes at Edinburgh, International ePortfolio and Identity Conference, London

2011 Interlinking and Embedding Graduate Attributes, Student Lifewide Development Symposium, CRA, Birmingham

2010 Introducing PebblePad. Eight stories from tutors who know what they want and how they want it, PebbleBash International Conference, Shifnal

2006 Portable Reflective Entertainment Portfolio, ePortfolio International Conference, Oxford

2005 Keynote Speaker: Exploring e-portfolios for personal development, Conference on Accessible Technologies, Vic, Barcelona (Spain)