Professor Andrew McIntosh

Chair of Biological Psychiatry


Andrew McIntosh is a Professor of Psychiatry at the Division of Psychiatry, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences. 

Prof McIntosh trained in Medicine at the University of Aberdeen before completing his postgraduate training in Edinburgh in Psychiatry and in Applied Statistics. He leads the Generation Scotland Expert Working Group for Psychiatric Disorders and co-chairs the Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC).


Academic Qualifications

  • Bachelor

    • 1995, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, University of Aberdeen
    • 1992, Bachelor of Science (Hons), University of Aberdeen
  • Master
    • 2004, Master of Science, Edinburgh Napier University
    • 2000, Master of Philosophy, University of Edinburgh
  • Doctorate
    • 2004, Doctor of Medicine, University of Edinburgh

Professional Qualifications

  • 2022, Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences
  • 2021, Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
  • 2012, Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, FRCPsych
  • 1999, Member of The Royal College of Psychiatrists, MRCPsych

Responsibilities & affiliations

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Research summary

Professor McIntosh seeks to better understand the causes and consequences of depression . He uses a number of methods including: genetic analysis, NHS data linkage, clinical and cogntive measurement and brain imaging.

  • Related links

Psychiatric disorders research at the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences

Complex trait genetics research at the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences

Andrew McIntosh Research Group, Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine

Current research interests

The genetic and environmental causes of depression The mechanisms and causal consequences of depression Public enagagement around the use of mental health data in research

Knowledge exchange

Professor McIntosh is closely inviolved in several public enagagement activities, which include:

  • Public enagagement around the use of NHS data in research
  • Public engagement around the value of large population-based studies such as Generation Scotland and UK Biobank
  • Knowledge exchange activities around depression research, including "Big Data Detectives" (Edinburgh Science Festival, 2019)
  • Work with schools and young people around depression and resilience

Current project grants

MR/Z000548/1; McIntosh AM (Director, PI) 1/08/24 → 31/03/29. UKRI Mental Health Platform Coordinating Centre.

223165/Z/21/Z; Wellcome Trust Collaborative Award 01/01/22 to 01/12/26 to ‘Depression Genetics in Africa (DepGenAfrica)’ to McIntosh AM (PI), Crampin A. Breen G, Teferra S, Sheikh TL, Walters JTR, Msefula CL, Ramsay M.

220857/Z/20/Z; McIntosh AM (PI) 2021-2026; Wellcome Trust Investigator Award in Science. Exploiting genomic approaches to identify the environmental basis of depression

MR/S035818/1; McIntosh AM (PI) 2019-2024; MRC Global Challenge Research Fund Award: “Generation Malawi: A study of family, maternal and childhood mental health”

Past project grants

04036/Z/14/Z; McIntosh AM (PI) 2015-2020; Wellcome Trust Strategic Award; “Stratifying Resilience and Depression Longitudinally”