Elisa Vivaldi |
Tutor in Italian |
Anna Vives |
Teaching Fellow in Spanish |
Erik Vlaeminck |
PhD student, Russian Studies |
Anh Van Vo |
Postdoctoral Researcher |
- Centre for Regenerative Medicine
- Institute for Regeneration and Repair
Sam Vo |
PhD Psychology |
Mikhail Vodopyanov |
Construction of Memory of the Soviet Past in Tatyana Tolstaya's Nonfiction |
Gisli Vogler |
Teaching Fellow in the Social Sciences |
Thanasis Vogogias |
Scientific Software Engineer |
Dr Prerna Vohra |
Lecturer in Microbiology |
- Institute of Immunology and Infection Research
- School of Biological Sciences
Jovan Vojnovic |
Teaching Fellow |
Jennifer Volk |
Senior Information and Data Systems Lead (SIDL) at CTLGH |
- Roslin Institute
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Jacques-henri Vollet |
Visitor Philosophy |
Frédéric Volpi |
Professor |
Alexander Vonderschmidt |
- Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems
Dr Gary Vos |
Teaching Fellow |
Anna Votsi |
EFI Research Proposals Manager |
Annie Vozar |
Contracts Manager |
Barbara Vrachnas |
Tutor |
- English Literature
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Giorgos Vrakas |
Miss Christina Vrettou |
Senior Research Assistant |
- The Roslin Institute
- Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies