Niamh Hart

Research Fellow (BR-UK)


Niamh Hart joined Behavioural Research UK (BR-UK) in February 2024 as a Research Fellow working on qualitative methodology in behavioural research.

Before BR-UK, Niamh graduated with a BSc in Psychology from Ulster University and an MSc in Physical Activity for Health at the Physical Activity for Health Research Centre (PAHRC), University of Edinburgh, with an interest in health behaviours. Niamh went on to complete a PhD; “​​PAUSE… Breathe & Stretch: Creating an Evidence-Based Yoga Resource for Mainstream Schools​” at the University of Edinburgh, utilising stakeholder input to understand and address the barriers and facilitators experienced by students and teachers to using yoga in schools.

Niamh is also a qualified yoga instructor delivering yoga and yoga-related education online and in Edinburgh since 2017.

Research summary

Niamh has research interests in health behaviours and health & wellbeing, including mental health and health-related inequalities.

Project activity

Currently, Niamh is working on numerous projects within BR-UK, including building capability in behavioural research, building consensus on key terms within behavioural research in the Behavioural Concepts Group, and public engagement and stakeholder input. More details on the BR-UK work packages, demo-projects and themes.

Niamh is also building on her PhD research of yoga in schools, which will include the dissemination of the findings from a trial of the school-based yoga resource, PAUSE...Breathe & Stretch. If you'd like to know more about this project please contact

Conference details

  • Hart N, Niven A, Booth J & Fawkner S (2024, June): "Evaluating the feasibility of a classroom-based yoga resource". Oral Presentation. The Whole-School Physical Activity Conference. Bradford, England.
  • Hart N, Niven A, Booth J & Fawkner S (2022, November): “A Qualitative Study on the Perceptions, Barriers, Facilitators and Best Ways to Introduce Yoga in Schools”. Poster Presentation. SPARC Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Hart N, Niven A, Booth J & Fawkner S (2021, November): “A Scoping Review on Yoga in Schools: Mental Health and Cognitive Outcomes in Both Typically Developing and Atypically Developing Youth Populations.”. Poster Presentation. SPARC Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland.