Natalie Ring

Clinical Trial Coordinator and Senior Research Scientist


Natalie joined the Laboratory for Bacterial Evolution and Pathogenesis (LBEP) at the Roslin Institute in December 2019 as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Her primary research project at the Roslin Institute involves developing methods for culture-free prediction of antimicrobial resistance in canine infections, using nanopore sequencing. More recently, she has taken on the role of Senior Clinical Researcher at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, where she is now working to deploy her Roslin research at the cage-side, as well as developing further diagnostic assays. She also manages the R(D)SVS's Hospital for Small Animals Clinical Biobank, collecting and archiving veterinary samples for future research. 

Prior to joining the Roslin Institute , Nat worked for four years (2012-2016) as a bioinformatician for the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC), at MRC Harwell. In 2016, she moved to the University of Bath to study for a PhD. Her PhD research focussed on the use of long-read sequencing (particularly nanopore sequencing) to investigate the genome of the bacterium which causes whooping cough, Bordetella pertussis.

Nat’s main research interests are microbial sequencing, genomics and bioinformatics. She is also a keen science communicator, having received a Postgraduate Diploma in Science Communication and Public Engagement from the University of Edinburgh in 2016.


PhD, University of Bath, 2016-2020

Investigating the genome of Bordetella pertussis using long-read sequencing


PGDip Science Communication & Public Engagement, University of Edinburgh, 2014-2016


BSc (Hons) Biochemistry with Professional Placement, University of Bath, 2008-2012


Conference details

May 2023  - London Calling (Oxford Nanopore Annual Meeting)                                                                           


April 2023 - Newcastle Nanopore Day                       

  • Newcastle University
  • Presentation: Zootails: Implementing Nanopore Sequencing for Veterinary Diagnostics


March 2023 - ION Bru (Scotland Nanopore users group meeting)                      

  • University of Edinburgh
  • Presentation: Introduction for new Nanopore Users


March 2023 - STEM for Britain finals                       


September 2022 - ION Bru (Scotland Nanopore users group meeting)                      

  • Edinburgh Zoo
  • Presentation: Introduction for new Nanopore Users


May 2022  - London Calling (Oxford Nanopore Annual Meeting)                                                                           


April 2022 - Microbiology Society Annual Conference                                                                                               

  • The ICC, Belfast, UK
  • Presentation: DoGsTAils: Developing nanopore-based diagnostic approaches for the effective antimicrobial stewardship of canine infections


July 2020 - Edinburgh Nanopore Day/ION Bru (Scotland Nanopore users group meeting)                      

  • Online
  • Presentation: DoGsTAilS: Developing a nanopore-based diagnostic approach for the effective antibiotic treatment of canine infections


June 2020 - London Calling (Oxford Nanopore Annual Meeting)                                                                          


December 2019 - Ion Bru (Scotland Nanopore users group meeting)                                                                

  • National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, UK
  • Presentation: Ultra-long reads and ultra-long duplications: deciphering the mysteries of the Bordetella pertussis genome


May 2019 - London Calling (Oxford Nanopore Annual Meeting)                                                                           

  • Old Billingsgate, London, UK
  • Presentation: Ultra-long reads and ultra-long duplications: deciphering the mysteries of the Bordetella pertussis genome (


April 2019 - 12th International Symposium on Bordetella                                                                                           

  • Brussels, Belgium
  • Poster: Ultra-long reads and ultra-long duplications: what nanopore sequencing is revealing about Bordetella pertussis (


November 2018 - Nanopore Community Meeting                                                                                                           

  • Pier 27, San Francisco, California, USA
  • Presentation: From re-tracing history to uncovering architectural secrets: how sequencing is changing Bordetella pertussis research (


July 2018 - 4th Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship Conference                       

  • University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
  • Presentation: Building confidence by doing: support maths for bioscientists


May 2018 - London Calling (Oxford Nanopore Annual Meeting)                                                                          

  • Old Billingsgate, London, UK
  • Poster: Resolving the complex Bordetella pertussis genome using barcoded nanopore sequencing (


 April 2018 - Microbiology Society Annual Conference                                                                                              

  • The ICC, Birmingham, UK
  • Presentation: Resolving the complex Bordetella pertussis genome using barcoded nanopore sequencing


May 2015 - KOMP2 Annual Meeting & Eye Workshop                                                                                               

  • The Jackson Laboratory, Maine, USA
  • Presentation: Presenting the findings of preliminary analysis of IMPC Eye Morphology data at the satellite eye workshop


February & April 2015 - IMPC Data Wrangling workshops                                                                                    

  • Baylor College of Medicine, Texas, USA; University of California Davis, California, USA; Toronto Centre for Phenogenomics, Ontario, Canada
  • Workshop: Co-delivered workshops for phenotypers, showing them how to interact with the IMPC quality control tool


November 2014 - BaSH Annual Meeting                                                                                                                          

  • Heathrow, UK
  • Presentation: An update on each of the three BaSH (Baylor College of Medicine, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, MRC Harwell) IMPC centres' data submission and quality control