Ms Louise Cornish

Senior Lecturer in Equine Practice, Head of Equine Practice


I graduated from the University of Glasgow School of Veterinary Medicine in 1998 with a Merit in Large Animal Studies. 

My first job was in rural mixed practice with Smith and Stewart Veterinary Surgeons in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.  In 2000, I moved to Australia to work in mainly equine practice at Derrimut Road Veterinary Centre, Melbourne.  I returned to Scotland in 2002 and spent 11 years in equine practice at Clyde Vet Group, Lanark. Here I completed my Certificate in Equine Practice and ran the reproduction and anaesthesia services.  I also developed my interest in geriatric medicine.

In January 2014 I moved to the Dick Vet Equine Practice at the R(D)SVS.  My primary responsibilities involve first opinion clinical work and the teaching of final year students on the equine rotation.  I also run the reproduction service.  I am primarily ambulatory but spend a minority of time in the equine hospital.  I lecture in Equine Reproduction to Year 4 students.

Clinical Expertise and Specialisation

My principal role is in first opinion equine practice but I am particularly interested in equine reproduction and geriatric care.

Collaborative Activity

I support the Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust in their work including undertaking 2 weeks voluntary work in February 2014 in the Gambia.

I regularly attend client educational evenings.

I do occasional lectures for charities and local groups.

I also work as a veterinary surgeon at Musselburgh racecourse at several race meetings a year.

I am involved in Equine Nursing training at the College of Animal Welfare.


Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery, University of Glasgow

Professional Qualifications

RCVS Certificate in Equine Practice, Cert EP

Responsibilities & affiliations

The Dick Vet Equine Practice, Equine Teaching

Postgraduate teaching

Year 4


Year 5

Final Year Rotations

MSc Equine Science

Equine Reproduction