Dr Michael Lynch

Senior Lecturer in Language Studies


As a teacher and principal teacher of Modern Languages for 11 years and subsequently Teacher Educator for 29 years, the last 18 years of which as Senior Lecturer in Language Studies at the University of Edinburgh, I have a deep knowledge of Teacher Education, both nationally and internationally and have developed valuable skills and experience across a wide range of sectors and contexts.

Over a period of 16 years, I held several senior leadership and management roles with the Moray House School of Education and Sport (MHSES), including Programme Director of the PGDE Secondary programme (6 years), Director of Undergraduate Studies (3 years), Academic Coordinator of Placement (6 years) and Depute Head of the Institute of Education, Teaching and Leadership (3 years), the last two positions overlapping. I spent several months as Acting Head of the Institute of Education, Teaching and Leadership before I undertook 12 months sabbatical leave to focus again on my research interests.


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MA Joint Hons (French & Italian)

PGCE Secondary in French and Italian


Online Teacher Educator for German (Deutsch Lehren Lernen), German Ministry of Education, Germany.

Responsibilities & affiliations

Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

General Teaching Council for Scotland Full Registration

Scottish Council of Deans of Education Language Group

Undergraduate teaching

PGDE Secondary Languages Education

PGDE Secondary Professional Studies

Postgraduate teaching

Sources of Knowledge

Conceptualising Research

Planning Research

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Areas of interest for supervision

In areas of Modern Language Learning and Teaching; Second Language Acquisition; Plurilingualism; Content and Language Integrated Learning; Bilingualism, Teacher Cognition, Mentoring.

Current PhD students supervised

Leijun Zhang

Nick Hood

Zhiying Chen

Past PhD students supervised

Mengke Li

Research summary

Modern Language Learning and Teaching; Second Language Acquisition; Plurilingualism

Current research interests

Content and Language Integrated Learning; Bilingualism, Teacher Cognition, Mentoring

Knowledge exchange

National Framework for Languages (NFfL - http://www.nffl.education.ed.ac.uk/)

MOOC on Mentoring

Playing Beyond CLIL (https://www.playingbeyondclil.eu/)

Pitch at Palace

Conference details

2015: BAAL SIG Conference, University of Edinburgh (Lead Paper) - Target language use in modern language classrooms: Perception and change among newly qualified teachers in Scotland

2016: SERA (Scottish Educational Research Association) Conference, Dundee, Scotland - What contribution can research make to initial teacher education in the field of second language learning to teachers’ continuing professional development?

2017: The Second International Conference on Situating Strategy Use: Present Issues and Future Trends, The +MorPhoSe Laboratory of Linguistics, Department of Greek, Democritus University of Thrace, Komotini, Greece (Lead Paper) - What contribution can research make to initial teacher education in the field of second language learning to teachers’ continuing professional development?

2022: World CLIL Conference, University of Leiden, The Hague - An emerging conceptual framework for dynamic assessment in CLIL: The Playing beyond CLIL Framework for Assessment

2022: The Fourth International Conference on Situating Strategy Use - Strategic Learning in an Uncertain World, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand: - Using analytical and synthetic phonics to teach reading in L2