Dr Marina Carter

Research Assistant: History


I obtained my doctorate in History from St Antony's College, Oxford, in 1987. I have written widely on the Indian diaspora, and have a particular interest in the western Indian Ocean islands, notably Mauritius.

I am currently employed as a Post Doctoral Research Assistant on the 'Becoming Coolies' project in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology.

Research summary

As a member of the 'Mutiny at the Margins' project administered by the School of History and Classics, University of Edinburgh, I co-edited several publications with Professor Crispin Bates, notably New Perspectives on the Indian Uprising of 1857: Global Perspectives [Sage, India, 2013]

Currently employed as a Post Doctoral Research Assistant on the Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded ‘Becoming Coolies’ project, my principal research interests/specialisms are: labour migration, Indian Ocean, Mascarene islands, Mauritius, South Asian diaspora.