Lynne Robertson-Rose
Research Fellow
Lynne has a Ph.D. in Social Science from the University of Edinburgh (2016)
Thesis: Retirement Savings Behaviour in Workplace Pensions. An Examination of Responses to Default Settings in an Automatic Enrolment Environment.
She gained an MSc by Research in Social Policy (Distinction) from the University of Edinburgh in 2011 and has an MA Hons in Political Studies from the University of Aberdeen.
She held a position as a Career Development Fellow in the School of Social & Political Science until Aug 2021 where she taught Social Policy. She specialised in Pensions Policy, Economic Issues and Intergeneration Equity.
Since 2021 she has been aligned with the Business School where she currently works as a researcher on Supporting Healthy Ageing at Work (SHAW), a project about extending healthy ageing in the workplace. Lynne investigates the financial wellbeing of older workers for the project.
Lynne’s career pre-academic was in the financial sector.
Research summary
Lynne’s key area of expertise is retirement savings behaviour and automatic enrolment into workplace pensions. Her research provides insight into how individuals respond to uncertainty when making financial preparations for retirement. She has a particular interest in social and psychological responses to policy (nudging effects) and older workers
Qualitative Review of the Automatic Enrolment Earnings Trigger and Qualifying Earnings Band (DWP in print)
Older Workers Later Lives. Financial vulnerability amongst the over 50s Lynne Robertson-Rose, Tiejun Ma & Luis Felipe Costa Sperb (Aug 2022)
Older Workers | aFFT (
A Nation of Savers. Impacts of Covid on Savings Behaviour. Money & Pensions Service (Mar 2021)
Understanding Default Behaviour in Workplace Pensions. Journal of Social Policy. Lynne Robertson-Rose (2020):
Robertson-Rose L (2020): Because my Father Told me to: Parental Influence on Saving for Retirement. Journal of Family & Economic Issues. 41. 2 pp. 364-376 “Because My Father Told Me To”: Exploratory Insights into Parental Influence on the Retirement Savings Behavior of Adult Children | Journal of Family and Economic Issues (
Robertson-Rose, L (2019:) Good Job, Good Pension: The Influence of the Workplace on Saving for Retirement. Journal of Ageing & Society. 39. 11 pp. 2483-2501