Dr Jite Eferakorho

Teaching Fellow in Language Education


Jite is a Teaching Fellow in Language Education, Moray House School of Education and Sports-University of Edinburgh. His research has explored critical multicultural literacy, teacher education policy, multicultural reform efforts in the preparation of teachers, multicultural education and citizenship, and educational leaders within the social and global context of education. His research has been presented at national and international conferences and published in the Journal of School Leadership; Sage Encyclopaedia for Educational Leadership and Administration; International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations; and several technical reports. He has (co)authored chapters in the several books and reports, including: International Perspectives on Positive Action Measures: a Comparative Analysis in the European union, Canada, the United States and South Africa; Making a Difference in Teacher Education through Self-Study: Studies of Personal, Professional and Program Renewal; and No Child Left Behind and other Federal Programs for Urban School Districts.


Selected publications

Referred Journal Articles

Archibong, U., A., Scally, Eferakorho, J., Darr, A, Atkin, K., Baxter, C., Johnson, M., Bell,

M.,Waddington, L., Wladasch, K., Bedard, T., Adejumo, O., Sharps, P., and Bradshaw,P. (2010).  Positive Action Measures across Different Equality Grounds, Organisations and Sectors in European and Non-European Countries.  International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, Volume 10, Issue 3, pp.175-190 DOI: 10.18848/1447-9532/CGP/v10i03/39872


Archibong, U., Darr, A., Eferakorho, J., Scally, A, Atkin, K., Baxter, C., Johnson, M., Bell, M.,

Waddington, L., Wladasch, K., Bedard, T., Adejumo, O., Sharps, P., and Bradshaw,P.   (2009). Methodological Challenges of Researching Positive Action Measures.  In The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations.  Vol. 9 (5).  Pp.99-110. DOI: 10.18848/1447-9532/CGP/v09i05/39768


Archibong, U., Eferakorho, J., Darr, A., Scally, A, Atkin, K., Baxter, C., Johnson, M., Bell, M.,

Waddington, L., Wladasch, K., Bedard, T., Adejumo, O., Sharps, P., and Bradshaw,P.   (2009). Perceptions of the Impact of Positive Action in EU and non-EU Countries.  In The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations.  Vol. 9 (5).  Pp.111-124. DOI: 10.18848/1447-9532/CGP/v09i05/39773


Eferakorho, J.  (2008). Multicultural education and citizenship.  Citizenship & Teacher

 Education Journal (CitiZED) Briefing Paper.


Brooks, J., Scribner, J., & Eferakorho, J., (2004). Teacher Leadership in the Context

of Whole School Reform.  May 2004.  Journal of School Leadership, 14(3), 242-265.


Book Chapters

Eferakorho, J.  (2006).  Public education in an era of neo-liberal globalization: The

broken promise of No Child Left Behind.  In Brown, F. & Hunter, R.  (Eds.).  No child left behind and other federal programs for urban school districts.  Volume (9).  Advances in Educational Administration Series.


Placier, P., Cockrell, K. S., Burgoyne, S., Welch, S. & Eferakorho, J.  (2005).  Theater of

the oppressed as an instructional technique.  In Kosnik, C., Beck, C., Freese, A. R., & Samaras, A. P. (Eds.).  Making a difference in teacher education through self-study: Studies of personal, professional, and program renewal.  Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.  Retrieved from: https://link-springer-com.ezproxy.is.ed.ac.uk/chapter/10.1007/1-4020-3528-4_9


Encyclopedia Entry

Young, M. D., Eferakorho, J., Sanusi, J.  (2006).  Evaluation and rewarding of university

  1.   In English, Fenwick (Ed.).  Encyclopedia of education leadership and administration.  Sage Publication.  DOI: DOI: http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.is.ed.ac.uk/10.4135/9781412939584.n223

Technical Reports

Archibong, U., Eferakorho, J., Atkin, K.,Baxter, C., Darr, A., Johnson, M., Bell, M.,

Waddington, L., Scally, A., Bedard, T., Peric, T., Russinova, S., Wladasch, K., Bradshaw, P., Adejumo, O., and Sharps, P.  (2009). International perspectives on positive action measures; A comparative analysis in the European Union, Canada, the United States and South Africa (February, 2009).  European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.  EC Publications Office, Luxembourg. Available at:
