Jesko Wagner


I am a third-year PhD student at Edinburgh University, working in the HGU Unit of IGC (part of CMVM). Here, I work with high-throughput morphological profiling data. Previously, I studied in the Netherlands, Germany, and Sweden, where I conducted research projects using (epi-)genomics, single-cell analysis and machine-learning. In the process, I investigated DNA fragility, predicted gene defects from genetic scars, and found changes in epigenetic states from single-cell MNase-seq data.

Undergraduate teaching

I am a tutor for Research and Evidence Based Medicine, a second-year course for Medicine students that covers foundations of statistics and R. I have also worked for Ed-DaSH, our local chapter Bioinformatics Teaching in the framework of The Capentries.

Areas of interest for supervision

I am jointly supervised by Sjoerd Beentjes, Ava Khamseh, and Neil Carragher.