Ina Mangold

PhD Linguistics & English Language

  • Linguistics and English Language
  • School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences

Contact details



Dugald Stewart Building

3 Charles Street, Edinburgh
Post code


  • MSc by Research in Linguistics, University of Edinburgh (2021) Dissertation: a constructional account of the prenominal periphrastic possessive construction (PPPC) in Vorarlberg Alemannic
  • MSc in Linguistics, University of Edinburgh (2020) Dissertation: Constructional markers & dialect variation: a study of the dative+possessive construction in varieties of Vorarlberg German
  • BA in English & American Studies, University of Vienna (2019) Dissertation: Pretty men, handsome women: collocative change in adjectival descriptions in 18th century British English 

Responsibilities & affiliations

  • McIntosh-Patterson PhD Scholar, Angus McIntosh Centre for Historical Linguistics 

  • Co-Organiser of CLRG (Cognitive Linguistics Research Group), University of Edinburgh

Current research interests

I am interested in language change, especially in the domain of (cognitive) mechanisms underlying linguistic change. I focus on cognitive linguistic models of language structure, particularly the theoretical framework of Diachronic Construction Grammar (DCxG). My current research is concerned with the notion of 'reinforcement' in historical/diachronic linguistics and its relation to grammaticalization theory as well as other related notions such as reduplication, redundant marking, intensification, extravagance, etc. Other areas of interest include: language variation and the interplay between variation and change, cognitive sociolinguistics, other cognitive-linguistic models of grammar, dialectology and non-standard language, (experimental) pragmatics

Affiliated research centres