Ms Mel Baker |
Lead Programme Administrator (PGT Classics and Archaeology) |
- School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Dr Morven Baker |
Clinical Research Fellow |
Peter Baker |
Business Development Executive (Nature & Biodiversity) |
- Social Responsibility and Sustainability
- Edinburgh Innovations
Dr Martina Balaam |
Professionalism and Wellbeing Lead: Senior Lecturer in Medical Education and Senior Lecturer in Nursing Studies |
Dr Daniel Balaz |
Research Fellow |
Jean Balchin |
Scientific Communications Officer |
Karl Baldacchino |
Ludwig Baldaszti |
Dylan Balfour |
PhD Philosophy |
Dominique Balharry |
Global Respiratory Health Research Manager |
Angelica Balia |
PhD Linguistics and English Language |
Flavia Balkwill |
Research Office Administrator |
Kerry Balkwill |
Alumni Relations Marketing Officer |
Dr Emily Ball |
MQ Research Fellow |
- Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
Kathryn Ball |
Chair in Biochemistry and Cell Signalling |
- Institute of Genetics and Cancer
Victoria Ball |
Gift Shop & Visitor Centre Assistant Manager |
- Communications and Marketing
Aileen Ballantyne |
Tutor |
- English Literature
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Margaret Ballantyne |
Research Fellow |
Dr Cat Ballany |
Teaching Fellow (Biology), Tutor PGDE Biology |
- Moray House School of Education and Sport
- Institute for Education, Teaching and Leadership
- PGDE Secondary
Tracy Ballinger |
Bioinformaticist |