Ian Anderson
Thesis title: Class Dismissed: Authorship and 'identity' in 1930s working-class fiction (and beyond)
PhD English Literature
Year of study: 2
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Contact details
- Email: Ian.Anderson@ed.ac.uk
PhD supervisor:
I am an absurdly unlikely PhD candidate, funded by the Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarship, and driven mainly by the hazy but nonetheless firm conviction that certain largely overlooked proletarian works of the 1930s retain wider relevance today. I am also unable to resist defacing these works with sententious marginalia and Stabilo Boss highlighters, for which I make no apology.
Undergraduate teaching
Scottish Literature 2 - Tutor
Invited speaker
"Literature and the Class Frontier"; Guest Lecture, University of Cologne, 13th November 2018
Papers delivered
"A Partial Art: Jim Phelan and the 1930s Literati"; Writing the Divide: Literary Culture and Political Engagement in the 1930s, Durham University, 16th June 2017
Tutor/facilitator for the following annual summer schools:
- Sutton Trust Summer School, 2015-present - https://www.ed.ac.uk/student-recruitment/widening-participation/projects/stss
- Kickstart Summer Programme, 2015-present - https://www.ed.ac.uk/student-recruitment/widening-participation/projects/partnership-projects/kickstart
- High Flyers, 2017-present - https://www.ed.ac.uk/student-recruitment/widening-participation/projects/partnership-projects/high-flyers
Currently working with SWAP East ( https://www.scottishwideraccess.org/east ) to consolidate data and track student progress from the access programme via which I came to university: https://www.scottishwideraccess.org/east-story-ian-anderson.php?section_id=161&student_id=70
Remain strongly connected to my "alma mater", Newbattle Abbey College ( https://www.newbattleabbeycollege.ac.uk/ ), and often return to talk/teach/visit on an ad hoc basis; and am working with their English tutor to incorporate the works I research into the curriculum.